Sunday, May 06, 2007

Gloomy Sunday.
Current Listen : Keith Urban - You'll Think of Me.mp3

Space INtended for a piccie, but Photobucket is
like damn Pukimak dari semalam lagi.

Woke up this morning, all alone in the house. Oh, the quiet life, quite nice i must say. Half eaten Big Mac from last night's pathetic lone dinner fer breakfast. Simplicity. The rain was falling not too heavy and not too light fer my liking. Fantastic. Solitary is a thing of beauty, ermm yea, but not all the time.

On the other hand, am pretty depressed of self limitting believes that i've imposed upon myself, believes of i cant do this and that. Its depressing. Twenty something years of self-imposed stupid believes and an induitably contributory helping hands from social conditioning, are now taking their tolls. And heavy ones at that. The outgoing me, the outspoken me, the adventerous me the etc. me are struggling to get out of the shell that i have created out for myself just in case i need to avoid the Reality in the past, the shell that shelters the Shy, Drawn back, Negative etc me.

In pursuit of the fullest, voids are common is what i've said to a friend, and i'd like to believe that at the end of the tunnel, there awaits an exciting, gutsy, not seeking approval brand new me. And i'd like to believe that these are just mere sharpnels of an explossive self that's about to appear. Hell, if thats the case, then its all worth it.

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