Saturday, September 25, 2010

For The Sake of Posting.

This is a post just for the sake of posting. Yes, you're most welcomed. And wow 5 followers! :P

With such twisted wit didn't think I'd have even one ! Thanx guys. Muah muah.


Ren said...

ur not the only one who twisted in this world bro..

Raizzèn said...

Weh old fren where have u been man ? Bila nak mapley ni :D

rhazes mohamad said...

eh...aku kenal kau la...kita pernah duduk semeja makan dua kali...

rasanya kau paklong faruqi kan?..haha

Raizzèn said...

Aah paklong faruqi. haha aku ingat sape ada kawan2 nak buat padajal ke apa

faruqi panggil ko apa ea

rhazes mohamad said...

diorang panggil aku maleng...haha...

LOL..seriusly aku baca blog kau sambil pegang dictionary...damn!...

Raizzèn said...

Maleng nanti bebila aku pegi umah faruqi jom tgk bola :D